Looking for Accredited Online Courses?

I was fortunate to attend a seminar given by Formula Botanica Founder, Lorraine Dallmeir at   In-Cosmetics in Paris early this month.  Her lecture was excellent and really resonated with me.  Lorraine’s business offers Accredited and Award Winning online courses in all things Indie regarding Organic Cosmetic Science including Certificate and Diploma Courses – from basic anhydrous products to advanced hair care formulations.

If you have my books (they can be found here) and would like to take your start up and knowledge further, I suggest you check out Formula Botanica.  Lorraine is a Biologist and Environmentalist, and her team all live and breathe natural and sustainable.

They have over 6,000 students in 141 countries, so their success in passing on this valuable information speaks for itself and quite a few of those students are in Australia!


Apart from their education and Certificate Courses, Formula Botanica produces an excellent series of current Podcasts discussing many facets of formulating natural skin care products.  If you are gearing up to Green Beauty and want to gain certification, Formula Botanica can help Indie business get started.  There is always so much to learn, so many things to take into consideration when you run a small or medium sized business.  I am loving listening to these Podcasts. You can find them here. What more could you want?  Free, easy to understand, reliable discussions in 30 minute podcasts.

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