The Magic of Micas

Glorious colour – my favourite thing!  Together, colour and scent are the icing on the soapy cake!

It took a little planning and testing over the last six months, but we are thrilled to have our NEW Mica Collection safely at the warehouse.

I have loved testing all the micas in Cold Process Soap, though not as exciting as an actual project I just love working with colour so it has been great to see all the different shades of Mica performing in Cold Process Soap.

There have only been three of our new Micas that produced a surprising outcome based on their INCI, but that is the roller coaster ride of cold process soaping!  When I found an unexpected result I tested them again, at a stronger concentration, then again at a much stronger concentration, and though they produced average results in Cold Process Soap – they still rocked Melt & Pour Soap, scrubs and lotions, so they were ordered!  Usage notes and graphics are all on the website for customers, but do always test in your own recipe to ensure you achieve the desired results.

The above graphic shows you just why we test our products on behalf of our customers.  You can see before you purchase our colours how they will perform in Cold Process Soap, the toughest product to colour.  Of course, if you aren’t a CP soaper, you can see Melt and Pour Soap results and also read each listing for usage information in a broad range of cosmetic product applications.

Of course, it’s just a kaleidoscope of colour with clear Melt and Pour Soap!  What you see is what you get.  Don’t forget that any colour added to white soap base gives a pastel shade.

Stay tuned for more Magical Mica colour releases soon!


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